Wahhhh!!!!!!! !!!!
sorry for giving this kind of starting~~~>< Finally, my final had overed , and i finished my year one degree officially...time passes unconsciously, next month will start my second year of degree and in this end of year, i will go for industry training for 12 weeks. it seems like so fast for me since i still a bit blur ~~~~lol
Btw, thinking abt last year when i was just came here, i was scared n worried so much since i never leave my home and i always depend on my family....(btw, until nw, i still depend on my family as well~~:p) Cn't believe that i have study here for one year.....lol!!
Still remember the first day of sem one, i didn't know the location of my class and i scared tat i will miss the bus so i purposely took the earlier bus......As what i predicted...i miss it..too many people alrdy...i cnt get into the bus.lol!!! I met carol tat time and she told me that she will skip the first class as she wanted to pay the tuition fee~~~hahaha
I cn still remember one of the foundation lecturer told us that we onli gt three years left to fill up our resume...lol!! so i joined chemistry society without hesitate so that i gt something to do except studying .....the first activity i participate was factory visit~~~~Through this visit, i started to know more about what are the jobs available for chemist

Talk about the visit, we had given a chance to visit orphanage. This is one of the assignments for the subject of emotional and intelligence. I guess i will never visit orphanage if there was no such assignments exist. thanks to mr andrew~~~we had learn a lot through this visit. Starting from searching the orphanage, planing the game and programme, preparing present, and also the day of visiting~~~~that day, we experience of the consequences of nt listening the instruction of the gps, using the old way instead of driving through the high way and... we lost our way~~~lol!!! but we were lucky enough, accidentally found one short cut n reached. Luckily we still on time. Compare to another group, our group considered lucky ~~~hahaha....well, thanks again to all the group members, and also carol.

Although some of them kind of anti-social, they still welcoming us with their smile. They din't complain about their obstacle , so why are we keep on complaining this and that?
What we had learned through this visit is, appreciate what we having now.
Next, my first birthday at kampar~~~I cnt celebrate my birthday with my family. However, i am so glad that my housemate celebrate for me although that time, i just know them for few months onli. I though that there was no one celebrate for me, but, being scared by them when i was rushing my report. Thanks ya~~love u all~~~hehe

The life of rushing reports, assignments and quiz was end temporarily during september as final cuming soon . The photo below was taken during the last class of physic.

Well, after final, the most excited moment was came....penang trip!!!! yeah!!! i finally got chance to visit penang~~~~~:) This penang trip was guided by my coursemate and also Dr Lee~~~~we had so much fun and i enjoyed this trip so much~~~^^

~the end~