Weaving girl, is the yougest daughter of Emperor from heaven. She was fallen in love with a cowherd from the earth. She had married with him and had their children too. The crowherd and his wife having a great moment. However, there is rule in heaven which love is forbidden, exspecially marriage between a fairy and a guy from earth. Thus, Emperor was angry and asking his mother to bring the weaving girl back. When the weaving girl was forced to back to heaven, cowheard was chasing after her in the sky, with their children, his wife fairy clothes and the ox hide. The mother of Emperor use her hair pin to make a milky way in the sky and kept them separate. The weaving girl was moved in Vega star in constellation Lyra and the cowherd stayed at star Altair at Aquila constellation. Both of them was separated.
However, their love had make the Emperor and his mother feel touch. Therefore, the couple was allowed to meet once in a year during the seventh day of seven lunar month. During that day, flocks of magpies fly to form a bridge with their body over the milky way. Some people said that , if that day rain, maybe it is the tears from both of them.
What a sad story since both of them were separated. However, no one can spoilt their relationship, as they love each other every much. Not even distance and time.
Anyway, i wish all of you hapi chinese valentine's day. Hope you all can found the one you love and stay beside him or her and be with him or her forever.
(wish myself too...haha)

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