Merry christmas to everyone of you. How do you celebrate christmas? Attending christmas party?? Gather with friends and family ? Well, as for me, I was driving around during christmas eve night and also on christmas that day, searching for clinic. Why I did so? Because I not feeling well. So, I bought a christmas gift for me which is medicine....T.T
However, before that, I had went to sunway pyramid with ling and hui during the afternoon of the christmas eve.

The shopping mall was decorated , making the surrounding full with christmas feel.
We were having lunch in a restaurant. The restaurant were crowded with people. After waitting for some time, finally there were available seat for us.

Our order
While waiting, we took some photo...

Why i looked so emo???? ><
This is food had arrived.......By the way, I was not really enjoy the food...

It's so difficult for 3 busy girls gather together. I had fun gather and shop with them.....Once again, merry christmas and happy new year!!
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