Still remember before the year of dragon started, we had our dinner with ce coursemate.

The second day of the new year, we went to ipoh to visit my relatives. Well, nothing special there, just eating, chatting n watching tv. That's all. we bck to kl on the next day. Once i backed to kl, i quicky date my buddies, ling and hui. We went to watch movie at tesco.

The next day, me and my friends joined the group for our cny visitation. There were 20 something of us, and i don't even know some of them. However, I still followed the group, went to different's house and get angpau.XD
Well, my one week cny holidays ended with above story. Is time to back to kampar and continue doing my reports. However, there was another public holidays during cny period (For your information, the total cny period are 15 days). This had made us excited as we can back to hometown again and continued our cny mood. XD
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