Acknowledgment post: Three years degree, just ended, leave the place and move back to hometown. Three years ago, I still remember I so hate to come here and so worry I can't survive and somemore I have no transport also. But now, I had completed my study (Actually mind a bit blank and can't really remember what I study before , so sad > . <).
Honestly, in these three years, friends had help me a lot. I really appreciate all my friends who help me or accompany me in these degree life. Anne, you are the one who always accompany me and give help to me also. Thank you so much. Carol and ikki, you two are really funny and smart people. Thanks to give so much joy, positive energy and also gives help to me. Besides, I also wanna thanks all the friends who fetched before, especially carol, ikki, Elaine, shenny, wai keat and sook thing. Thanks to all my coursemate who being my friends and gives so much funny and joyful moment. I will remembered the moment we talk and laugh in the class, until the lecturer complaint us too noisy. I will remembered the stupid thing and funny thing we did in the class. By the way, suddenly my mind pop out the moment whereby anne disturbing kai jun in the class. LOL~~~ Pity kai jun. XD
Next will be my housemates, thanks to accompany me walk out for dinner and also "da bao" for me. I guess, not too many people will willing to do that for three years. It is also a very special memory during my degree life as now I think I won't get too much chance to walk out for dinner with friends. Besides, so much joyful moment we gone through before, chit chat, gossip, sing k, cook together, walk for dinner, shopping at Tesco, bbq, steamboat, Cameron trip and etc, all these will be in my memory.
I will like to thanks to all my lecturers and also my family members. Thanks to the lecturers who taught us before, thanks to my family who support me.
There is so much memory left within this three years whereby I don't know how to express it into words. What I can say is thanks everyone who being so helpful and friendly to me. Thanks for everything.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Beauty Expo May 2013
International Beauty Expo was held at KLCC Conventional Centre. Honestly, I don't even know that. I was told by my friend about this beauty expo when I asked her to accompany me go KLCC for the purpose of spending my remaining book voucher.
So after spent my book voucher at Kinokuniya bookstore (bought four books....shiok. XD), we went for the lunch and then went for the beauty expo. The timing was just right enough as we manage to met 牛尔老师 , niuer from Taiwan. =)
So many people there. Waited a period of time to get the registration done. No need pay any entry fee..XD
There were many booths there and a lot of stuff were selling, some had their big promotion. I had grabbed eyes mask (share with friend) as six piece of eyes mask cost RM 10.
Right after finished walking around, is time for the talk from niuer. People called him beauty king. He is the one who create the brand Naruko and also the series of ampm products. He produced a lot of skin care products which got very good selling. He spend a lot of time in research at the same time focus on quality control to make sure the product is safe to be used. Personally, I had used his ampm cleaner before, quite nice!! PricE? I not sure since it is free gift when I bought his book. Now I am using his Naruko product which is a night mask. Well, don't ask me effective or not as I kinda lazy to apply it frequently. Besides the product itself, he also started focusing on the packaging whereby the packaging of the product was designed in eco-friendly way. For your information, his product can buy online.
This was the first time I saw him, he looks young, friendly and quite handsome too.XD He keep shaking hand and thanks to the audience when he came. Don't know how many times he said thank you already throughout the talk. XD. (So happy to see him )
The lucky one, being chosen for the demonstration section.
After the demonstration, small gift was given to the respective audiences. However, the gift that prepared by the organizers just a bottle of night mask, so niuer keep give them other products until that purple bag full and can't fit any other products. I think, there cost around rm 200 perhaps. So envy!!! jelous!! LOL
Since my leg started pain and tired so me and my friend left the beauty fair before the talk was end.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
cameron trip #4
Non-stop Cameron post. This will be the last one. Talking about second day, we went to the gunung brinchang, Mossy forest and boh tea farm & factory.
Our fist station was gunung brinchang. The pathway is so......don't know how to describe. Curve? dangerous?? Or maybe I seldom go this kind of place so I have this kind of feeling?? On the way up to the top of the mountain, we were passed by the boh tea farm. What I can said, the owner is so!! so big area of the farm they have!!
We had another photo session. Seriously, the view is very nice, but the thing is, again, a bit climbing since it is a mountain - like farm. For me is a bit steep la, but I think no problem for others.
Forgot his name..>< The tour guide (driver also) was giving us some description about the farm. I personally very respect the workers when I saw the super big and steep farm.
The seed of the tea plant. After undergo drying, it will become brown colour.
After visit the farm, we were continued our journey towards the top of the gunung brinchang. We were hungry since we didn't eat any breakfast. After reached, there is a tower there, we can climb the tower to see the overview of the Cameron highland. However, I not manage to climb to the top of the tower as my body can't stand it anymore, especially after climbed the tea farm. Having difficulty to breath when I reached the first stage of the tower.
The next station was mossy forest. Since it is consider as short trekking, I though we have to walk inside the forest, step in the high feet grass, however, it is just my imagination. There was build-in staircase. So, again, staircase....So tired of it but still keep on moving. Actually the build-in staircase is just for short-trekking. For those who interested to have real trekking, there was no more staircase where you can have the real experience of jungle trekking.
Keep on up and down in the forest... A bit tired, somemore there was time limited so I can't really enjoy and observe the mossy type forest and plant at there.
jumped on the road....Need to becareful and ran when cars were coming.
So the next station, also the last one was boh tea café and factory. I was so wondering how they build the café. The design there not bad!! You may have your high tea there while enjoying beautiful view of the boh tea farm.
Strawberry pies and curry chicken pie. I ordered curry chicken pie, it taste nice!! For the tea, we simply pick two types of tea where we don't even know how to differentia this two. By the way, what a "expensive" high tea. Even refill hot water also need to pay RM 0.50 per person. We got eight people there. >< This remind me the lady of the tour company at bus stop there. She said before: In Cameron, everything also money.
After that, we visited the boh tea factory. There were few steps to process the tea leaves. But, sorry that I had forgotten which few steps. After visited the factory, we should left. However, since we haven't take a group photo, wanted to go to wash room and wanted to buy the tea product also, we used 8 minutes to finish all the task..XD
So that's the end of the trip. How we settle our lunch? just bought the Marry brown's burger which just located opposite the bus stop when we waiting the bus to Ipoh.
It is a very tired trip, having back pain after the trip as I have the problem of scoliosis, however, it still fun. =)
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
一天又一天过去了, 快到了面对现实的日子。。。除了担心, 害怕, 还有烦!!! 这几个字还真的非常适合我现在的心情。。。真的不知道这个学期在搞什么。。 我到底怎么了? 明知道这个学期很重要, 明明这个学期比其他的过的幸苦, 为什么表现却那么糟糕, 是我不够努力吗? 我真的很讨厌我自己。。
明知道现在担心也于事无补了, 但, 还是。。。。算了, 除了逼自己准备面对事实以外, 还要想想是不是有必要重拿, 留多一个学期, 如果经济允许的话。。。:(
明知道现在担心也于事无补了, 但, 还是。。。。算了, 除了逼自己准备面对事实以外, 还要想想是不是有必要重拿, 留多一个学期, 如果经济允许的话。。。:(
Monday, May 20, 2013
cameron trip#3
Since strawberry is like the label of Cameron highland, visit the strawberry farm is a must. The strawberry farm we visited allowed us to pick the strawberry ourselves. Of course, you have to pay accordingly (Forgot how much have to pay for 0.5kg or 1kg ). Boxes would be given, and weighed after you finished picked. Extra strawberries would added if the weight of the strawberries you picked not reached the targeted weight. Since my friends wanted to buy extra to their friends, so all of us can enter into the farm.
Steep and narrow are the words that I used to describe the farm. Every move must be becareful so that you won't fall down, won't get yourselves hurt or at the same time won't pull the racks down and cause the farm messy.
(personal advice: if can, don't bring bag, it is a bit difficult to move with bag)
Don't know how to pick. The worker there quite "pek ceh " or frustrated when he saw chew yong's speed was so slow and the closing time was so near. They need to wait for us to leave so that they can start their work. So he help her to pick the strawberries. So nice, for sure the one he pick were big, sweet and juicy.
The next station, don't know how to call that place. Some kind of vegetable plantation. The white colour tube with small hole there were used to plant the vegetables. Water was direct into the tube. (Tube?? not sure how to name that correctly, so I just use the word tube)
Moving up was a small café. So we started to order something since we were hungry. However, I a bit regret after ate the pancake as my stomach can fit too much for the dinner. By the way, my friends said the ice-cream there very nice.
Dinner- steamboat. Eating steamboat is a must as the weather was so cold, especially in raining day. Well, the dinner was included in the package already. So we can't choose the restaurant we want. But this also not bad la. Still consider ok. It is located inside a three star hotel, forgot the name already, sorry.
After that, we had a walk at night market there. Luckily the rain not consider heavy as afternoon. So we searched the t-shirt that we want in the market. After searching so long, finally we found the one we want. But too bad, don't have the size I want. haiz
Besides, some of us bought the badge also as souvenir.
Since I not feel well, having gastric that time, so I don't follow them to Starbucks. Honestly, the night was so cold for me, I can't have a nice sleep for that night due to gastric and the weather there. Is, too cold!!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
cameron trip #2
The next station was organic farm. Since it 's raining that time, we just had a look roughly there. The tour guide had briefly explained to us regarding the farm. No chemical pesticide was used for the all the plantation.
Guess what is that?
Feel weird about the fruits above?? Well, their name called" apple". My friends said the taste not bad, but, honestly, I personally not really like it, especially the purple one.
The next station would be cactus point. There were so many types of the cactus selling there. Besides, there were flower selling there too.
Friends spend a lot of time to pick the nice one as souvenir.
Well, a bit tired to continue, stay turn for the next entry...XD
cameron trip #1
Two days one night trip, with housemate, friends, housemate's cousin and cousin's bf, and etc..What a weird combination and some of them I don't even know them. But indeed, at the end, we get to know each other and enjoy the trip. They are friendly and funny too.
On that day, we wake up so early, I don't even know how many times that I had open my mouth throughout the journey. First, we took taxi to the old town bus station, then, we took bus to tapah bus station and waited for another bus to Tanah rata, Cameron highland. Well, when we saw the bus, we were like.. stunned awhile...Some of them even said, no air con?? Oh no, this is not the main point, the bus is so old and we started doubt our eyes whether we saw the wrong label or not. Well, we reached there safely. Thanks to the bus driver. (Personal advice: better take the Ipoh route as tapah route is slightly dangerous.)
After reached Cameron highland, we took the tour package which offered by one tour company. (Personal advice: although the driver or tour guide is very responsible and nice, taking such package will be second choice if you have other options. Why? just to save your pocket money. However, If you never been there, better don't drive yourself there, even though you have driving license, you may not manage to drive there.)
So before the tour started, we had our nyonya lunch. According to my friend, this restaurant is recommended based on their online research. However, except the toufu, I really don't know what so special about the dish, I don't even tasted any "nyonya" feel even though the name of the soup is called" nyonya vegetable soup".
After lunch, we walked to the apartment which my friend had book it earlier.
Random snap when they were talking with the apartment owner. Well, the weather there is so nice and cool~~
After checked in and rested for awhile (so called rested, actually playing cards), our Cameron trip was started. The first station was, Lavender garden. It is a bit out of my expectation once reached there. I though the garden is full with purple colour, and there was worker there to plant or give explanation to us. But, this is only my imagination. However, it still a very nice place to visit and take photo. Even saw got people took their wedding photo there.
so colourful~~
u may made a wish there
the guys
I want happiness~~XD
What are these?? so cute~~
The flowers looks nice and special. Love the flowers there.
Friday, May 17, 2013
super overdue post- grandioso night
Ready for Grandioso Night~~~
Different from other prom night, the organizer was so thoughtful by preparing dinner before the event started. Guest can enjoy the dinner without waiting and queuing for too long.
The event was sponsored by tango chocolate. The first performance was brought by Elecoldxhot a.k.a ECX (Showdown 2011 Winner and Astro Battleground 舞极限 08' Champion), followed by Ryan Foo Joe (2009 Astro Talent Quest Finalist). There were others performances such as singing, dancing and the most special one was, cat walk, brought by all the cute doggies.
Sound a bit bore? No, the atmosphere turned hot and excited when a band called double cheese burger started to shows their talent. Look, the guys seems to be excited. XD

Photo session (Not much group photo here)
That's all?? No no no, still got one last Latin dance performance by professional dancer. They are really..Pro!!!! This was the first time I watched live Latin performance.
so that's all for this overdue post....The end....
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