Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tear in eyes

Tear, is the symbol of sad and depress.Tear, is the symbols of pain and grief.Tear, is the symbol of stress.Tear, is the symbol of regret.Tear, is the symbol of hapi and touch

Some people may think that crying is just a weak and useless action. Indeed, crying won't bring any benefit, however, it's another way to express your feeling. We are just human, we cn't be stay strong always. Well, i am not here to encourage you to cry, but it's nothing wrong if you cry. You are allow to cry when you really really cn't stand it. You can took off your mask, go bck to your backstage, be yourself and express your real feeling. However, there are criterias if you want to cry, which is you have to be stay strong , face the reality and move forward after you cry. You have to stay calm and think about what should you do after this. :) If your tears dropped cause of hapiness and feel touch, well, it's a good things. You deserve what you got. :)

Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see our life with clearer view again~~~~~Alex Tan quote

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