Well, talking about weekend, this weekend, 8 tv had their some activities and road shows at dataran kampar......YES, KAMPAR!!!! Really seldom got celebrities to come here organize any activities.

The schedule of that day

mAgiC show~~~~~ i am not able to watch it as too much people there.

A group of teenager from pei yuan high school performing diabolo.

Another performance there from ktar student. It's begining with romantic dance then follow by some hot dance.

So envy those who can dance very well. I had been imagined that I will have some talent that allow me to perform in front of people, enjoying stepping on the stage, show off my hardwork and receive the clapping sound from the audience. But in fact, it's just a dream that never come true as i just a normal student without any talent. I keen to learn to play piano and dance but sadly that i am a music idiot and i can't dance at all. LOL Besides, eventhough i got the talent, i don't think i got the courage to perform in front of so many people...XD
Well, come back to the topic, the event end at 10 something but me and my housemate went bck alrdy after having our dinner. It's not bad to have such event once in awhile. It bring some fun to the people around, make the atmosphere around become more lively and dotted the boring life .
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