Thursday, December 27, 2012

This christmas

Sometimes, too much of expectation will  lead to disappointment. Instead of staying at home, I always looking forward something different for christmas celebration or countdown. This Christmas, I tough  i would countdown at melaka. Looking forward the trip but, there are some reasons, forced me stayed at home and looked at the melaka post that posted by my friends at facebook. Nevermine, I did some window shopping with my friends during christmas eve.

To comfort myself, i bought myself a christmas gift.

Topshop having their sales. After try so many tester, Ling chose pink, and I chose this.

Christmas present and christmas card that i received. Thank you so much!!!

Had a walk and dinner at desa park.


Perphas, my christmas celebration is not interesting like others. Sorry if this post bored you. I know is a bit late, but still wanna wish all of you, merry christmas and happy new year!!! All the best to all of you for this coming year 2013!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

cousin sis wedding, with love and bliss

还记得以前小时候都是抱着凑热闹, 有好料吃的心态去出席亲戚的婚礼. 不知道是不是开始长

大了, 如今开始抱着兴奋与祝福的心态出席婚礼...毕竟幸福不是偶然的...要找到对的人, 一起握

着对方的手去面对未来并不简单. 结婚是一辈子的事, 承诺着会一起度过下半人生, 是需要勇

气的...在此, 祝福这对新人吧....

一制的眼神, 望向同一方向......(开始不知道自己在说什么...><)

妈妈与哥哥......不知道为什么会有不同颜色的照片....不知道是不是因为角度与颜色关系, 右手



婚礼仪式简单但温馨, 听着新郎对新娘说的誓言, 觉得还蛮搞笑和感动的.... 这让我想起今年朋

友的婚礼. 没什么特别的花销, 有的就是一般的华人传统仪式,  但, 却让我们觉得感动和温馨....


 看着表哥, 舅舅和舅母送表姐上车时, 目送着表姐离开时, 顿时有点感触.......

 很开心看到身边的人找到属于自己的伴侣, 并承诺着无论将来发生什么事都会永远陪伴与守候

在对方身旁, 不离不弃, 不厌倦地爱着对方...希望你们永远幸福快乐, 婚姻美满..^ ^